Comments on draft tariff language 12/5

FERC Order No. 881 - managing transmission line ratings

Comment period
Dec 05, 09:30 am - Dec 12, 05:00 pm
Submitting organizations
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SB Energy
Submitted 12/12/2024, 08:48 pm


Aftab Alam (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization's overall comments on FERC Order No. 881 revised draft tariff language posted on December 5, and proposed changes to the effective date.

SB Energy supports the proposal

2. Please provide any feedback not already captured.

1. Will access to the dynamic ratings being utilized in real-time be provided to those who have access to the CRR FNM or the Market Modeling Data?

2. Can CAISO please provide a list of lines and transformers (if applicable) that will be utilized for the real-time implementation in December 2024?

3. In the implementation plan, can CAISO consider including the publication of a a quarterly or bi-annual or annual report that publishes the range of the dynamic ratings for the lines and transformers (if applicable) where dynamic ratings are being utilized?

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