Policy initiatives

Policy Initiatives

*Date is tentative

Title Status Proposal Development Decision Implementation
Adjustment to intertie constraint penalty prices Penalty prices Nov 12, 2021 Completed Jan 21, 2022 Draft final proposal posted Feb 09, 2022 Joint ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
Jun 01, 2022 Activation
Implementation milestones
Aliso Canyon gas-electric coordination phase 1 Aliso Canyon Mar 23, 2016 Completed May 05, 2016 Revised draft final proposal posted Aug. 26, 2016 FERC approval
May 09, 2016 Tariff amendment filing (ER16-1649)
May 04, 2016 Board of Governors approval
Jul 06, 2016 Activation
Jun 02, 2016 Activation
Aliso Canyon gas-electric coordination phase 2 Aliso Canyon Mar 23, 2016 Completed Sep 23, 2016 Draft final proposal posted Nov 28, 2016 and Mar 24, 2017 FERC approval
Oct 14, 2016 Tariff amendment filing (ER17-110)
Oct 3, 2016 Board of Governors approval
Nov 30, 2016 Effective
Aliso Canyon gas-electric coordination phase 3 Aliso Canyon Mar 23, 2016 Completed Jun 22, 2017 Draft final proposal posted Dec 15, 2017 FERC approval (ER18-375)
Nov 28, 2017 FERC approval (ER17-2568)
Dec 1, 2017 Tariff amendment filing (ER18-375)
Sep 29, 2017 Tariff amendment filing (ER17-2568)
Jul 26, 2017 Board of Governors approval
Dec 16, 2017 Effective
Nov 30, 2017 Effective
Aliso Canyon gas-electric coordination phase 4 Aliso Canyon Mar 23, 2016 Completed Sep 17, 2018 Draft tariff language posted Feb. 8, 2019 FERC approval
Sept. 28, 2018 Tariff amendment filing (ER18-2520)
Dec 16, 2018 Effective
Nov 30, 2018 Effective
Aliso Canyon gas-electric coordination phase 5 Aliso Canyon Mar 23, 2016 Completed Oct 07, 2019 Draft tariff language posted Dec 31, 2019 FERC approval (ER20-273)
Oct 31, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER20-273)
May 20, 2021 Deployment
May 20, 2021 Activation
Ancillary service state of charge constraint Sep 19, 2022 Completed Dec 14, 2022 BOG approval (Energy Storage Enhancements)
Nov 18, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-2881)
Sep 19, 2022 Tariff amendment (ER22-2881)
Summer 2023
Jul 01, 2023 Activation, retroactive to TD 9/20/22 (Short-term fix)
Implementation milestones
Billing, payment and credit enhancements BPC Enhancements Sep 26, 2023 Active Sep 26, 2023 Issue paper and draft final proposal
Sep 05, 2024 Draft tariff language posted
Oct 03, 2024 Comments due
Phase 1
Nov 08, 2023 Joint ISO Board of Governors and WEM Governing Body approval
Capacity procurement mechanism enhancements Jul 27, 2022 Active Track 2
Sep 21, 2023 Board of Governors meeting

Track 1
Jan 11, 2023 Final proposal posted
Track 1
Mar 12, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Capacity procurement mechanism soft offer cap Jun 17, 2019 Completed Jan 06, 2020 Draft Final Proposal
May 29, 2020 Letter Order Accepting Tariff Revisions to Capacity Procurement Mechanism - Soft Offer Cap (ER20-1075)
Feb 25, 2020 Tariff Amendment Capacity Procurement Mechanism Soft Offer Cap (ER20-1075)
Central procurement entity implementation Nov 11, 2021 Active Feb 16, 2022 Final proposal posted Jul 01, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-1604)
Apr 08, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-1604)
Mar 17, 2022 ISO Board of Governors approval
Oct 12, 2022 Master File / CIRA activation
Jan 01, 2022 Effective date for 2023 Resource Adequacy year
Implementation milestones
Clarifications to reliability must-run designation process Clarifications to RMR designation process Aug 09, 2021 Completed Dec 17, 2021 Board of Governors (information report only)
Commitment cost enhancements tariff clarifications CCETC Dec 10, 2019 Completed Jan 28, 2020 Draft tariff language
Jan 28, 2020 Draft final proposal
Jun 30, 2020 FERC Order (ER20-1592)
Mar 25, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Oct 01, 2020 Deployment
Commitment costs and default energy bid enhancements CCDEBE Nov 22, 2016 Completed May 13, 2020 Revised draft tariff language
Aug 30, 2017 Draft final proposal
Dec 28, 2020 Order accepting compliance filing (ER19-2727)
Dec 28, 2020 Order accepting compliance filing (ER20-2360)
Sep 21, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-2360)
Jul 09, 2020 Tariff amendment filing (ER20-2360)
Sep 05, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER19-2757)
Aug 30, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER19-2727)
Mar 22, 2018 Board of Governors approval
Mar 08, 2018 EIM Governing Body briefing
Jan 2021 Deployment
Jan 2021 Activation
Congestion revenue rights auction efficiency CRR auction efficiency Apr 18, 2017 Completed Sep 27, 2018 Second revised draft tariff language (track 1B)
Mar 28, 2018 Revised draft tariff language (track 1A)
Track 1B Modification
Nov 09, 2018 FERC approval

Track 1B
Sep 20, 2018 FERC approval
Jun 21, 2018 Board of Governors approval

Track 1A
Sep 07, 2018 FERC approval
Mar 22, 2018 Board of Governors approval
Nov 01, 2018 Deployment (Track 1A)
Congestion revenue rights enhancements Sep 26, 2024 Active Nov 14, 2024 Meeting
Contingency modeling enhancements CME Mar 26, 2013 Completed Aug 22, 2017 Draft final proposal posted Dec 14, 2017 Board of Governors approval
Contract management enhancements 2021 COMA 2021 Aug 09, 2021 Completed Mar 25, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-878)
Jan 25, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-878)
Dec 17, 2021 Board of Governors approval
Day-ahead market enhancements DAME Jun 19, 2018 Active Jul 11, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted
May 01, 2023 Revised final proposal posted
Dec 20, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2686)
Aug 22, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-2686)
May 17, 2023 Joint WEIM Governing Body and ISO Board of Governors approval
Aug 07, 2024 Working group
Sep 04, 2024 Working group - comments due
Aug 01, 2024 - Sept 30, 2024 BRS review

Oct 01, 2025 Deployment
May 01, 2026 Activation
Implementation milestones
Day-ahead market enhancements archive phase 1 DAME archive Mar 07, 2018 Closed May 02, 2019 Meeting
Day-ahead market enhancements archive phase 2 DAME archive Mar 07, 2018 Closed May 02, 2019 Meeting
Day-ahead sufficiency DAS Nov 15, 2023 Active
Dispatch operating target tariff clarification DOTTC Apr 13, 2018 Completed Aug 22, 2018 Third revised draft tariff language posted Oct 29, 2018 FERC approval (ER18-2380)
Sep 05, 2018Tariff amendment (ER18-2380)
Jul 26, 2018 Board of Governors briefing
Dec 2020 Deployment
Feb 2021 Activation
Energy storage and distributed energy resources phase 1 ESDER Aug 27, 2015 Completed Dec 23, 2015 Revised draft final proposal posted
Aug 16, 2016 FERC approval (ER16-1735)
Feb 03, 2016 Board of Governors approval
Nov 01, 2016 Deployment

Energy storage and distributed energy resources phase 2 ESDER Aug 27, 2015 Completed Jun 12, 2017 Draft final proposal posted Oct 24, 2018 FERC approval (ER18-2242)
Jul 26, 2017 Board of Governors approval
Nov 01, 2018 Activation
Energy storage and distributed energy resources phase 3 ESDER Aug 27, 2015 Completed Jul 26, 2018 Revised draft final proposal posted Jul 16, 2020 FERC approval phase 3B (ER20-2443)
Nov 6, 2019 FERC approval phase 3A (ER19-2733)
Sep 5, 2018 Board of Governors approval
Aug 22, 2019 EIM Governing Body briefing
Oct 01, 2020 Activation phase 3B
Nov 2019 Activation phase 3A
Energy storage and distributed energy resources phase 4 ESDER Aug 27, 2015 Completed Sep 22, 2020 Default energy bid proposal posted
Aug 27, 2020 Final proposal posted
Oct 29, 2021 FERC approval phase 4 (ER21-2779)
Mar 19, 2021 Tariff amendment (ER21-1487)
Dec 17, 2020 Board of Governors approval - default energy bid proposal
Sep 30, 2020 Board of Governors approval - final proposal
Oct 01, 2021 Deployment
Oct 2021 Activation
Energy storage enhancements Feb 01, 2021 Completed Oct 02, 2023 Workshop paper posted
Mar 15, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted
Oct 27, 2022 Final proposal posted

Nov 03, 2023 - Informational filing of effective date track 1 and track 2 (ER23-2537 and ER23-1533)
Sep 29, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2537)
Aug 01, 2023 Tariff amendment track 2 (ER23-2537)
Jul 17, 2023 Information filing effective date (ER23-1533)
Jun 01, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-1533)
Mar 31, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-1533)
Dec 14, 2022 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
Summer 2023 Track 1
Jul 01, 2023 Activation
Fall 2023 Track 2
Nov 01, 2023 Activation
Implementation milestones
Excess behind the meter production EbtmP Jul 10, 2018 Completed Dec 02, 2019 Revised draft tariff language
Dec 19, 2018 Draft final proposal
Dec 23, 2020 FERC approval (ER21-190)
Oct 23, 2020 Tariff amendment filing (ER21-190)
May 15, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Oct 01, 2020 Deployment
Jan 2021 Activation
Extended day-ahead market EDAM Oct 03, 2019 Active Mid - April 2024 EDAM access charge FERC filing

Jul 25, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted
Dec 07, 2022 Final proposal posted
Dec 20, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2686)
Aug 22, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-2686)
Feb 01, 2023 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body joint approval
Aug 01, 2024 - Sept 30, 2024 BRS review
Oct 01, 2025 deployment
May 01, 2026 onboarding and activation
Implementation milestones
Extended day-ahead market ISO balancing authority area participation rules EDAM ISO BAA Participation Rules Mar 20, 2023 Active Oct 11, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted
Aug 15, 2023 Track A1 final proposal posted
Track A1
Nov 13, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER24-379)
Sep 21, 2023 ISO Board of Governors approval
Sep 18, 2024 - Oct 09, 2024 BRS Review
Sep 30, 2024 Draft tariff language
Oct 07, 2024 Stakeholder call
Oct 21, 2024 Comments due
Spring 2026
Implementation milestones
Extended day-ahead market: working group 1 - supply commitment and resource sufficiency evaluation EDAM Dec 10, 2021 Inactive Policy documents are located on the Extended Day-Ahead Market initiative webpage
Extended day-ahead market: working group 2 - transmission commitment and congestion rent allocation Dec 13, 2021 Inactive Policy documents are located on the Extended Day-Ahead Market initiative webpage
Extended day-ahead market: working group 3 - greenhouse gas accounting and costs Dec 13, 2021 Inactive Policy documents are located on the Extended Day-Ahead Market initiative webpage
FERC Order 831 - Import bidding and market parameters FERC 831 - IBMP May 16, 2019 Completed Jan 28, 2021 Second revised draft tariff language posted
Sep 10, 2020 Revised final proposal posted
Jun 17, 2021 Informational filing (ER21-1192)
Apr 27, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1192)
Feb 22, 2021 Tariff amendment (ER21-1192)
Feb 22, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1164)
Feb 18, 2021 Notice of withdrawal (ER19-2757)
Feb 17, 2021 Tariff amendment (ER21-1164)
Dec 11, 2020 FERC approval (ER19-2757)
Oct 01, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Sep 21, 2020 FERC approval (ER19-2757)
Sep 05, 2019 Tariff amendment (ER19-2757)
Jun 2021 Deployment
Jun 2021 Activation
FERC Order No. 881 - managing transmission line ratings phase 1 May 06, 2022 Active Jun 23, 2022 Revised draft tariff language posted
Apr 20, 2023 FERC approval (ER22-2362)
Jul 12, 2022 Compliance filing (ER22-2362)
FERC Order No. 881 - managing transmission line ratings phase 2 May 06, 2022 Active Jun 16, 2023 Compliance Filing (ER22-2362)
Apr 24, 2024 Data submission working group
Apr 01, 2024 - track 1
Q4 2024 - track 2
Implementation milestones
Flexible ramping product refinements FRP Refinements Nov 21, 2019 Completed Aug 03, 2022 Draft tariff language posted
Aug 31, 2020 Final proposal posted
Oct 18, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-2661)
Aug 15, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-2661)
Jul 20, 2022 - Joint EIM Governing Body and Board of Governors approval
Sep 30 - Oct 01, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Sep 16, 2020 EIM Governing Body approval
Feb 01, 2023 Activation

Buffer and minimum:
Nov 2020 Deployment
Nov 2020 Activation
Frequency response phase 1 FR Dec 22, 2016 Completed Mar 17, 2016 Draft tariff language
Feb 11, 2016 Draft final proposal
Feb 02, 2017 FERC approval
Apr 21, 2016 Tariff amendment filing (ER16-1483)
Mar 25, 2016 Board of Governors approval
Sep 30, 2016 Deployment
Frequency response phase 2 FR Dec 22, 2016 Inactive Will resume in 2020
Gas resource management working group GRM working group Jul 14, 2023 Active
Generation deliverability assessment GDA May 02, 2019 Completed Dec 10, 2019 Revised draft tariff language
Oct 30, 2019 Revised draft final proposal

Sep 11, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-732)
Jun 03, 2020 Compliance filing (ER20-732)
May 19, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-732)
Feb 28, 2020 Deficiency letter (ER20-732)
Jan 02, 2020 Tariff amendment (ER20-732)
Nov 13, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Generation deliverability methodology review GDM Dec 12, 2022 Active
Jan 16, 2024 Initiative complete; moving to implementation
Implementation milestones
Greenhouse gas coordination working group GHG Coordination Jul 14, 2023 Active Oct 10, 2024 Comments due
Hybrid resources phase 1 HR Jul 22, 2019 Completed May 07, 2020 Second revised straw proposal posted
Jul 10, 2020 Revised draft tariff language posted
Nov 19, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-2890)
Jul 22, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Jun 30, 2020 EIM Governing Body briefing
Dec 2020 Deployment
Dec 2020 Activation
Oct 2022 Implementation - Phase 1
Implementation milestones
Hybrid resources phase 2 HR Jul 22, 2019 Active Jan 04, 2024 Revision – Add 4 Market Simulation Business Requirements
Sep 09, 2021 Third revised draft tariff language (phase 2b) posted
Dec 28, 2020 Revised draft tariff language (phase 2a) posted
Nov 30, 2021 FERC approval (phase 2b) (ER21-2853)
Jul 15, 2021 Board of Governors approval (aggregate capability constraint)
Mar 09, 2021 FERC approval (phase 2a) (ER21-843)
Nov 18, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Nov 04, 2020 EIM Governing Body briefing
Phase 2c – RIMS: Oct 1, 2024* Activation
Phase 2c TieGen: Jul 01, 2023 Activation
Phase 2c RIMS: Q3 2023 Independent release

Phase 2b
Feb 01, 2023 Implementation

Phase 2a
Oct 01, 2021 Deployment
Oct 2021 Activation
Inter-SC trades in regional markets Aug 02, 2024 Active Sep 20, 2024 Draft tariff language
Sep 25, 2024 Presentation to ISO Board of Governors and WEM Governing Body
Oct 03, 2024 Comments due
Oct 10, 2024 Stakeholder call
Interconnection process enhancements IPE Jan 24, 2018 Completed Sep 19, 2018 Revised draft tariff language
Dec 21, 2018 Second addendum to draft final proposal
Oct 18, 2019 FERC approval (ER19-2679)
Aug 23, 2019 Tariff amendment filing, 5 items (ER19-2679)
Feb 19, 2019 FERC approval 15 items (ER18-2498)
Feb 07, 2019 Board of Governors approval 4 items
Nov 14, 2018 Board of Governors approval 4 items
Sep 27, 2018 Tariff amendment (ER18-2498)
Sep 05, 2018 Board of Governors approval 8 items
Jul 26, 2018 Board of Governors approval 7 items
Oct. 23, 2019 Tariff revisions effective (ER19-2679)
Nov 27, 2018 Tariff revisions effective (ER18-2498)
Interconnection process enhancements 2021 phase 1 IPE 2021 Sep 30, 2021 Completed Apr 21, 2022 Final proposal posted Aug 31, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-2018)
Jun 02, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-2018)
May 12, 2022 Board of Governors approval
Deliverability: Sep 01, 2022
Implementation milestones
Interconnection process enhancements 2021 phase 2 IPE 2021 Sep 30, 2021 Active Dec 20, 2022 Draft tariff revisions posted
Sep 20, 2022 Final proposal posted
Mar 27, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-941)
Jan 26, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-941)
Oct 25-26, 2022 Board of Governors approval
Interconnection process enhancements 2023 phase 1 IPE Feb 27, 2023 Active Track 2
Aug 01, 2024 Track 2 FERC filing
Sep 30, 2024 Tariff revisions posting
Oct 17, 2024 FERC filing

Track 3
Oct 21, 2024* Second revised straw proposal posting
Oct 28, 2024* Meeting
Nov 11, 2024* Comments due
Dec 08, 2024* Draft final proposal posting
Dec 2024* Meeting
Dec 2024* Comments due
Feb 10, 2025* Final proposal posting
March 2025 Board of Governors meeting

Track 2
Jun 12, 2024 Board of Governors approval

Track 1
Aug 01, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2058)
Jun 02, 2023 Tariff amendment filing (ER23-2058)
May 17, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Interconnection process enhancements 2023 phase 2 IPE Feb 27, 2023 Inactive
Intertie deviation settlement IDS Aug 22, 2018 Completed Mar 18, 2019 Draft tariff language
Feb 13, 2019 Draft final proposal
Mar 31, 2021 Order accepting compliance filing (ER20-1890)
Feb 3, 2021 Compliance filing (ER20-1890)
Feb 1, 2021 Order granting waiver and dismissing compliance filing (ER20-1890)
Dec 08, 2020 Order accepting compliance filing (ER20-1890)
Sep 29, 2020 Compliance filing (ER20-1890)
Sep 17, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-1890)
Feb 07, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Jan 24, 2019 EIM Governing Body briefing
Feb 01, 2021 Deployment
Feb 08, 2021 Activation
Local capacity technical study criteria update LCT study criteria update May 30, 2019 Completed Nov 05, 2019 Draft tariff language
Sep 03, 2019 Draft final proposal
Jan 17, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-548)
Dec 09, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER20-548)
Nov 13, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Local market power mitigation enhancements 2018 LMPM Enhancements 2018 Apr 30, 2019 Completed May 24, 2019 Revised draft tariff language
Feb 01, 2019 Draft final proposal
Nov 20, 2019 Local Market Power Mitigation Enhancements Effective Date Notification (ER19-2347)
Sep 30, 2019 FERC approval (ER19-2437)
Jul 02, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER19-2347)
Mar 27, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Mar 12, 2019 EIM Governing Body approval
Nov 13, 2019 Deployment
Nov 2019 Activation
Market enhancements for summer 2021 readiness Market enhancements for summer 2021 readiness Dec 22, 2020 Completed Apr 23, 2021 Second revised draft tariff language posted**
Apr 15, 2021 Revised final proposal posted (includes all topics)
Mar 10, 2021 Revised draft tariff language posted*

*Topics include market incentives for imports; real-time scarcity pricing enhancements; reliability demand response dispatch and real-time price impacts; and independent study interconnection enhancements
**Load, export and wheeling priorities topic only
Aug 11, 2021 Informational filing (ER21-1790)
Jun 25, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1790)
May 25, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1536)
Apr 28, 2021 Tariff Amendment (ER21-1790)**
Apr 23, 2021 Tariff Amendment (ER21-1536)*
Apr 21, 2021 Board of Governors approval**
Apr 19, 2021 EIM Governing Body approval**
Mar 26, 2021 Tariff Amendment (ER21-1536)*
Mar 24-25, 2021 Board of Governors approval*
Mar 10, 2021 EIM Governing Body approval*
Load, export and wheeling priorities only:
Aug 2021 Deployment
Aug 2021 Activation

Jun 01, 2021 Deployment
Jun 2021 Activation
Market parameter changes enhancement Apr 19, 2022 Completed Mar 14, 2023 Revised final proposal posted
Oct 19, 2023 Tariff amendment filing approved (ER23-2020)
May 31, 2023 Tariff amendment filing (ER23-2020)
Mar 22, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Independent release 2023
Implementation milestones
Market settlement timeline MST Jun 13, 2019 Completed Sep 23, 2019 Draft final proposal

Nov 13, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Oct 30, 2019 EIM Governing Body briefing
Oct 02, 2020 FERC approval (ER20-2617)
Dec 2020 Deployment
Jan 2021 Activation
Maximum import capability enhancements phase 1 MIC enhancements Mar 10, 2021 Completed Oct 11, 2021 Final proposal posted
Nov 03, 2021 Board of Governors approval
Fall 2023*
Implementation milestones
Maximum import capability enhancements phase 2 MIC enhancements Mar 10, 2021 Closed
Maximum import capability stabilization and multi-year allocation MIC stabilization and multi-year allocation Dec 03, 2019 Completed Feb 09, 2021 Revised draft tariff language posted
Jul 14, 2020 Draft final proposal posted
Apr 23, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1469)
Mar 18, 2021 Tariff amendment filing (ER21-1469)
Oct 01, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Jun 01, 2021 Effective
Minimum state of charge extension MSOC extension Jan 25, 2023 Completed Mar 06, 2023 Final proposal posted May 25, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-1485)
Mar 28, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-1485)
Mar 22, 2023 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
FERC approved extension through Sep 30, 2023
Implementation milestones
Penalty enhancements - demand response, investigation, and tolling PEDRIT Feb 20, 2024 Active Sep 09, 2024 Draft final proposal with redlines posted
Sep 26, 2024 Joint Board of Governors and Governing Body meeting
Oct 08, 2024 Tariff amendment (ER25-54)
Planning standards - remedial action scheme guidelines update Planning standards - RAS guidelines update Jun 15, 2021 Completed Dec 15, 2022 Draft final proposal posted Feb 02, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Price formation enhancements PFE Apr 11, 2022 Active Jul 31, 2024 Order accepting tariff amendment (ER24-2168)
Jul 08, 2024 Answer to comments (ER24-2168)
May 31, 2024 Tariff amendment filing (ER24-2168)
Jul 11, 2024 Training
Aug 01, 2024 Production
Implementation milestones
Proxy demand resource - resource adequacy clarifications PDR-RA Clarifications Mar 27, 2020 Completed Apr 28, 2020 Final proposal Nov 23, 3030 FERC approval (ER20-2922)
Jul 22, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Nov 2020
Pseudo-ties of shared resources May 07, 2020 Completed Oct 30, 2020 Third revised draft tariff language posted Jan 29, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-447)
Nov 18, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Nov 04, 2020 EIM Governing Body briefing
April 2021
Real-time market neutrality settlement May 01, 2019 Completed Apr 25, 2019 Issue paper/straw proposal posted Sep 06, 2019 FERC approval
Jul 30, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER19-2497)
Jul 24, 2019 Board of Governors consent
Jun 28, 2019 EIM Governing Body approval
Nov 13, 2019 Deployment
Nov 2019 Activation
Real-time settlement review RTSR Aug 13, 2020 Completed Oct 21, 2020 Draft final proposal posted Apr 30, 2021 FERC approval in part/rejection in part (ER21-955)
Mar 25, 2021 Amendment to filing (ER21-955)
Jan 27, 2021 Tariff amendment filing (ER21-955)
Dec 17, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Dec 02, 2020 EIM Governing Body approval (settlement rule changes)
Phase 2:
Nov 01, 2021 Deployment
Nov 2021 Activation

Phase 1:
May 01, 2021 Deployment
May 2021 Activation
Reliability demand response resource bidding enhancements phase 1 RDRR bidding enhancements Oct 28, 2021 Completed Jan 26, 2022 Draft final proposal posted - track 1
May 24, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-1431)
Mar 23, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-1431)
Mar 16, 2022 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body joint approval - track 1
Jun 01, 2022 effective - track 1
Implementation milestones
Reliability demand response resource bidding enhancements phase 2 RDRR bidding enhancements Oct 28, 2021 Completed Apr 12, 2022 Final proposal posted - track 2 Oct 24, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-2700)
Aug 22, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-2700)
Jul 20, 2022 Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval - track 2
Nov 3, 2022
Implementation milestones
Reliability must-run and capacity procurement mechanism enhancements RMR and CPM enhancements Jan 30, 2018 Completed Apr 03, 2019 Third revised draft tariff language posted
Jan 23, 2019 Draft final proposal posted
Oct 28, 2019 Compliance filing (ER19-1641)
Sep 27, 2019 FERC approval
Apr 22, 2019 Tariff amendment filing (ER19-1641)
Mar 27, 2019 Board of Governors approval
Nov 13, 2019 Deployment
Jan 2020 Activation
Resource adequacy enhancements phase 1 RA Enhancements Oct 30, 2018 Completed Mar 25, 2021 Revised draft tariff language posted
Feb 17, 2021 Final proposal posted
May 28, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1551)
Mar 29, 2021 Tariff amendment (ER21-1551)
Mar 24, 2021 Board of Governors approval
Jun 01, 2021 Deployment
Jun 2021 Activation
Resource adequacy enhancements phase 2 RA Enhancements Oct 30, 2018 Inactive
Fall 2023
Resource adequacy modeling and program design RAMPD Aug 07, 2023 Active Oct 08, 2024 Meeting
Nov 05, 2024 Comments due
Rules of conduct enhancements May 23, 2023 Completed Track 1
Nov 16, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted
Aug 02, 2023 Draft final proposal posted
Track 1
Apr 02, 2024 FERC approved effective date (ER24-872)
Jan 12, 2024 FERC filed ( ER24-872)
Sep 20, 2023 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body joint approval
Track 1
Apr 01, 2024 Implementation
Implementation milestones
Short-long start unit definitions update Jan 19, 2022 Completed Feb 17, 2022 Draft final proposal posted
Jan 01, 2022 Revised draft tariff language posted
May 23, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-1438)
Mar 24, 2022 Tariff amendment (ER22-1438)
Mar 16, 2022 ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
Jun 01, 2022 Activation
Implementation milestones
Storage as a transmission asset STA Apr 06, 2018 Inactive Jan 14, 2019 Meeting
Storage bid cost recovery and default energy bids enhancements Jun 27, 2024 Active Track 1
Oct 15, 2024 Addendum posted
Oct 23, 2024 Comments due
Nov 07 2024* Joint Board of Governors and WEM Governing Body meeting

Subscriber participating transmission owner market scheduling options SPTO Nov 01, 2024 Active
Subscriber participating transmission owner model Jan 11, 2023 Active Jun 22, 2023 Final proposal posted
Aug 8, 2023 Revised draft tariff language posted

Jul 20, 2023 Board of Governors approval
System market power mitigation SMP Dec 16, 2019 Inactive
test Oct 05, 2023 Inactive
Transmission access charge structure enhancements Jun 30, 2017 Inactive Sep 17, 2018 Draft final proposal posted
Transmission planning process enhancements Jul 14, 2022 Active
Transmission planning process phase 3 - revise competitive solicitation project proposal fee May 18, 2023 Active Jul 05, 2023 Final proposal and draft tariff language posted
Jul 21, 2023 Tariff amendment filing (ER23-2464)
Jul 20, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Fall 2023*
Implementation milestones
Transmission service and market scheduling priorities phase 1 TSMSP May 20, 2021 Completed Jan 11, 2022 Revised draft tariff language posted
Dec 10, 2021 Draft final proposal posted
Mar 15, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-906)
Jan 27, 2022 Tariff amendment (ER22-906)
Jan 20, 2022 Board of Governors approval - phase 1

Spring 2022
Implementation milestones
Transmission service and market scheduling priorities phase 2 TSMSP May 20, 2021 Active Track 1
Oct 30, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2510)
Jul 28, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-2510)
Feb 01, 2023 Board of Governors approval - phase 2
Monthly: Apr 17, 2024 Activation
Daily: Jun 01, 2024 Activation
Transmission service and market scheduling priorities BRS review
Implementation milestones
Variable operations and maintenance cost review VOM cost review Dec 19, 2019 Completed Jan 25, 2021 Revised draft tariff language posted
Oct 22, 2020 Final proposal posted
May 12, 2021 FERC approval (ER21-1266)
Mar 03, 2021 Tariff amendment (ER21-1266)
Nov 18, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Oct 01, 2021 Deployment
Oct 2021 Activation
Variable operations and maintenance cost review 2023 VOM Jul 17, 2023 Active Aug 23, 2023 Final proposal posted
Aug 23, 2023 Draft tariff language posted
Nov 21, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2956)
Sep 28, 2023 Tariff amendment (ER23-2956)
Sep 20, 2023 Board of Governors approval
Dec 1, 2023 Activation
Implementation milestones
Washington WEIM greenhouse gas enhancements WA WEIM GHG Enhancements Aug 09, 2022 Active Oct 21, 2022 Draft tariff language posted
Sep 22, 2022 Draft final proposal posted
Jun 02, 2023 FERC filing (ER23-2062)
Apr 20, 2023 FERC approval of compliance filing (ER23-474)
Mar 13, 2023 Compliance filing (ER23-474)
Feb 10, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-474)
Dec 19, 2022 Motion for leave to file answer and answer (ER23-474)
Nov 21, 2022 Tariff amendment (ER23-474)
Oct 25-26, 2022 Joint ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
Interim solution effective May 01, 2023
Full implementation: Nov 01, 2023
Implementation milestones
WEIM governance review phase 1 Dec 14, 2018 Completed May 21, 2019 Draft final proposal posted
Jun 18, 2019 Addendum to draft final proposal posted
Jun 18, 2019 Revised draft final charter posted
May 21, 2019 EIM Governing Body approval
WEIM governance review phase 2 Dec 14, 2018 Completed Sep 28, 2021 - Proposed amendment to corporate bylaws: advisory committees posted
Aug 09, 2021 - Part one final proposal posted
Sep 23, 2021 Board of Governors approval (part two governance documents)
Sep 08, 2021 EIM Governing Body approval (governance documents)
Aug 20, 2021 Joint Board of Governors and EIM Governing Body approval (part two draft final proposal)
May 06, 2021 Joint ISO Board of Governors and EIM Governing Body approval (part one draft final proposal)

WEIM governance review phase 3 Dec 14, 2018 Completed Dec 7, 2022 EDAM governance draft final proposal posted Feb 01, 2023 Joint WEIM Governing Body and ISO Board of Governors approval
WEIM resource sufficiency evaluation enhancements RSE May 25, 2021 Active Mar 21, 2023 Revised final draft tariff language posted
Nov 07, 2022 Revised final proposal posted
Mar 31, 2023 Tariff amendment filing (ER23-1534)
Dec 14, 2022 Joint WEIM Governing Body and Board of Governors approval
Sep 14, 2022 FERC Order accepting compliance filing (ER22-1278)
Jun 07, 2022 Compliance filing (ER22-1278)
May 27, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-1278)
Mar 11, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-1278)
Feb 09, 2022 ISO Board of Governors approval - phase 1
Feb 02, 2022 Market Surveillance Committee opinion adopted - phase 1
Jun 01, 2022 - phase 1
Jul 01, 2023 - phase 2 track 1
Jun 2024 - phase 2 track 2
Implementation milestones
WEIM sub-entity scheduling coordinator role EIM SESC Nov 03, 2020 Inactive Jun 02, 2021 Revised draft tariff language and agreements posted
Mar 18, 2021 Draft final proposal posted
Mar 31, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-869)
Jan 21, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-869)
Sep 08, 2021 EIM Governing Body approval
Sep 22-23, 2021 Board of Governors approval (consent agenda)
To be determined
Implementation milestones
West-wide governance pathways - step 1 Pathways Initiative Jun 05, 2024 Active
Western EIM base schedule submission deadline phase 1 BSSD Sep 23, 2020 Active Nov 05, 2020 Draft final proposal posted
Dec 11, 2020 Revised draft tariff language posted
Sep 25, 2023 FERC approval (ER23-2505)
Jul 28, 2023 Removal of submission deadline revisions (ER23-2505/ER21-955)
Jul 19, 2023 Joint ISO Board of Governors and WEIM Governing Body approval
Apr 30, 2021 FERC approval in part/rejection in part (ER21-955)
Mar 25, 2021 Amendment to tariff changes (ER21-955)
Jan 27, 2021 Tariff amendment filing (ER21-955)
Dec 17, 2020 Board of Governors approval
Dec 02, 2020 Western EIM Governing Body approval
Phase 2:
Spring 2022 Deployment
Spring 2022 Activation

Phase 1:
May 01, 2021 Deployment
May 2021 Activation
Western EIM base schedule submission deadline phase 2 BSSD Sep 23, 2020 Closed