West-wide governance pathways - step 1

Started: Jun 05, 2024

Adam Schultz

The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative (Pathways Initiative) was launched last summer by a coalition of regulators from five Western states, including California, who helped form a Launch Committee representing a diverse group of Western stakeholders. The Launch Committee has been working since the Fall of 2023 to develop a proposal for continued evolution of governance over Western EIM and EDAM.

On June 5, 2024, the Launch Committee of the Pathways Initiative submitted for consideration its Step 1 Recommendation to the ISO Board Chair Jan Schori and the WEIM Governing Body Chair Andrew Campbell. The Chairs have now accepted receipt of the report, and have directed management to initiate a stakeholder process to consider the recommendation and to bring a proposal to the Board and Governing Body to consider for a vote in the mid to late Summer of 2024.


Proposal Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
Jul 10, 2024* Comments due
