Phase 2 of the WEIM resource sufficiency evaluation enhancements initiative considers outstanding enhancements to the WEIM RSE such as the consideration of load conformance, identifying the correct metrics and quantity of uncertainty that should be tested for, and how block hourly exports from the ISO BAA that may be cleared due to advisory WEIM transfers are treated. Phase 2 also investigates the ability for the WEIM to provide assistance for balancing authority areas who have failed the RSE.
OUTCOME (Phase 1): The California ISO activated WEIM resource sufficiency evaluation enhancements Phase 1 (RSEE1) on June 1, 2022. RSEE1 benefits market participants by implementing enhancements to ensure resource sufficiency evaluation is administered accurately and applied equitably, and by improving the accuracy and transparency of the resource sufficiency evaluation.
Proposal Development | Decision | Implementation | Completed/Closed |
Mar 21, 2023 Revised final draft tariff language posted
Nov 07, 2022 Revised final proposal posted |
Mar 31, 2023 Tariff amendment filing (ER23-1534)
Dec 14, 2022 Joint WEIM Governing Body and Board of Governors approval Sep 14, 2022 FERC Order accepting compliance filing (ER22-1278) Jun 07, 2022 Compliance filing (ER22-1278) May 27, 2022 FERC approval (ER22-1278) Mar 11, 2022 Tariff amendment filing (ER22-1278) Feb 09, 2022 ISO Board of Governors approval - phase 1 Feb 02, 2022 Market Surveillance Committee opinion adopted - phase 1 |
Jun 01, 2022 - Phase 1
Implementation milestones
Jul 01, 2023 - Phase 2 track 1 Jun 01, 2024 - Phase 2 track 2 Outcome statement: This implementation includes enhancements to the WEIM Resource Sufficiency Evaluation (RSE) to ensure the RSE is administered accurately and applied equitably. The Phase 1 implementation includes enhancements that improve the accuracy and transparency of the RSE. The Phase 1 enhancements implemented include: - Consideration of Supply Conditions in the Capacity Test - Flexible Ramping Test Modifications – PBC - Consider a Resource’s Transition through FOR in the Flexible Ramping Test. - RSE Modifications – Storage Resources Treatment - Balancing Test Modifications - DR Inclusion with RSE - Reliability of CAISO Interchange Schedules - Increased RSE Data on RSE Results and Additional Data Transparency and Reporting - Increased WEIM Entities Situational Awareness Regarding Test Performance - Net-Load Uncertainty Calculation Removal from Capacity Test - Intertie Uncertainty Calculation Removal from Capacity Test The Phase 2 implementation continues to enhance the accuracy of the WEIM resource sufficiency evaluation (RSE), addressing remaining items from the RSEE Phase 1 initiative as well as elements deferred from the Phase 1 policy development process. This scope is informed by analysis the CAISO performed on different aspects of the WEIM RSE that were not addressed under the RSEE Phase 1 policy development. This Phase 2 impelemtation includes: Track-1 1A: Count hourly RTLPT exports and RT economic (RTECON) exports in RSE Capacity Upward/Downward Test and Flexible Ramping Sufficiency Upward/Downward Test for CAISO BAA. 1B: Facilitate assistance energy transfer between WEIM BAAs into the WEIM BAAs that failed RSE upward test: 1C: Clarification of Post-HASP Block Hour Low-Priority Export Track-2 2A: Clarification of Post-HASP Block Hour Low-Priority Export 2B: Develop MF resource identification Capacity Test Failed-to-Start Rule Exemption flag to allow SCs of WEIM and CISO short start units that start with non-positive telemetry to identify specific resources that will be exempted from this functionality in RSE Capacity Test. (Implemented in Phase 1 – enhancements needed) |
Completed |