Congestion revenue rights enhancements

Started: Sep 26, 2024

Partha Malvadkar, Hilary Staver, Dinesh Das Gupta

This initiative continues efforts to enhance the Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) market. In 2018’s Congestion Revenue Rights Auction Efficiency Track 1B, the ISO committed to: 1) assessing the impacts of both the Track 1A and Track 1B proposals (which were designed to resolve the majority of the observed inefficiencies with the CRR auction); and 2) considering more comprehensive changes to the CRR allocation and auction design as needed. Based on stakeholder prioritization and internal analysis, this initiative will explore a variety of stakeholder concerns identified in the stakeholder catalogue process including issues related to auction efficiency, revenue inadequacy, product definition, and allocation.


Proposal Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
Nov 14, 2024 Meeting


Hybrid meeting