Comments on Business Requirements Specification - Subscriber PTO Model

Subscriber participating transmission owner model

Comment period
Jul 27, 08:00 am - Aug 15, 05:00 pm
Submitting organizations
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Pacific Gas & Electric
Submitted 08/06/2024, 01:33 pm


Chunyu Luo (

1. Please provide any questions or comments your organization may have regarding section 4 of the Subscriber PTO BRS.
When providing input in the text box below, please specify the BRQ(s) your comment or question refers to.

I would like to request for a extension for BRS feedback to be submitted by 12/31/2024. Thanks! We are currently working on indepedent 2024 Release and DAME and EDAM BRS reviews. 

ISO response

Thank you for your extension request. Rather than extending the current comment period window, the CAISO will evaluate if an additional comment period is viable. If there is adequate time to receive additional comments, the CAISO will provide public notice and create a new activity for comment submission

2. Please provide any questions or comments your organization may have regarding the remainder of the Subscriber PTO BRS
When providing input in the text box below, please specify the section your comment or question refers to.
3. Please provide any additional questions or comments you may have.
When providing input, limit your questions and comments to the Subcriber PTO BRS and project.

Pattern Energy
Submitted 08/15/2024, 02:38 pm


Cameron Yourkowski (

1. Please provide any questions or comments your organization may have regarding section 4 of the Subscriber PTO BRS.
When providing input in the text box below, please specify the BRQ(s) your comment or question refers to.

Pattern Energy thanks the CAISO for the opportunity to comment on the Business Requirements Specifications for SPTO and for all of the efforts outlined therein to implement the SPTO model.  Pattern Energy has no further comments at this time.  

2. Please provide any questions or comments your organization may have regarding the remainder of the Subscriber PTO BRS
When providing input in the text box below, please specify the section your comment or question refers to.
3. Please provide any additional questions or comments you may have.
When providing input, limit your questions and comments to the Subcriber PTO BRS and project.
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