Generator Interconnection Data
Data point
Format and Implementation
Resource ID
Please provide Resource ID in the RES_ID format as shown in RIMS NRI module as well as the MasterFile.
Please provide this information in a new column on the CAISO Queue Report. The Queue Position: RES_ID relationship is many to many, and it is understood that in some project arrangements it may take additional analysis to understand the data.
Resource IDs are already public information and published all over OASIS and For example: master control list, NQC sheet, outage information, various OASIS reports
Transmission Planning Study Area and Sub Area
This information would be provided in text, and ideally would be controlled for consistency. For example, East of Pisgah should only be shown as "East of Pisgah" or "EOP" but not both.
This information currently exists in the APP&STUDY module. Please make this information public in a new column on the CAISO Queue Report.
See below, planning sub areas.
Partial Capacity Deliverability Status percent or MW amount
This information currently exists in the APP&STUDY module. Please make this information public in a new column on the CAISO Queue Report.
CAISO queue already shows which projects have, or have requested FCDS, but the same clarity on PCDS projects is not provided; this is inequitable.
The information will also be helpful in understanding deliverability constraints and TPD results. This information is also helpful for developers during contract solicitation processes.
Phase level nameplate MW, interconnection capacity MW, Fuel Type, Technology, In-Service Date, COD
Please provide this information either as an additional tab on the CAISO queue report, or a new report in the RIMS_PUB module. Please provide this report in the RIMS module so that it is updated on an automatic cadence as the CAISO Queue Report is, rather than an excel workbook that would have to be updated manually.
It is understood that this information would be on a RES_ID basis that may not reflect Phasing as it is organized in the LGIA. It is also understood that ISD and COD may not match exactly to contract dates. These clarifications could be provided in a public data dictionary.
Very high
Restructure the fuel type by column (wind, solar, BESS) rather than Fuel-1, Fuel-2, Fuel-3
Example attached in xlsx format.
This small change will significantly the functionality of the data already in the report.
CAISO reports this is complete internally as of March 2022.
CAISO’s queue organization seems to have been changed this March, but the change does not reflect the requested ask.
CAISO’s change took column order from:
- Type-1
- Type-2
- Type-3
- Fuel-1
- Fuel-2
- Fuel-3
And changed them to:
This does not represent the ask to restructure the fuel type by column.
In order to portray data in a consistent and organized way and facilitate data accessibility the request is for the data to be presented in a column order form that looks like:
- Storage-1
- Battery-1
- MW-1
- Solar-2
- PV-2
- MW-2
- Turbine-3
- Wind-3
- MW-3
An example of this is also attached in xlsx format.
POI Data
Please clean up POI data and add a data quality control feature
POI consistency
Currently the POIs in the queue are created via text box. This leads to inconsistent POI listing and the need to manually clean data. Here is an example:
- Whirlwind Substation 220 kV
- Whirlwind Substation 230 kV
- WHIRLWIND Substation 230 kV
- Whirlwind Substation 230 kV
- Whirlwind Substation 230kV
Instead, these should all show up in the queue as one listing:
- Whirlwind Substation 230 kV
A dropdown list, editable via UI or with IT driven updates, could address changes needed as new POIs come about via transmission changes or in new interconnection requests.
Application LGIA suspension information
Please provide GIA Suspension information in the CAISO Queue Report.
Either the Interconnection Agreement Status or Project Status would be an efficient place to add this data.
Currently CAISO only has three statuses in the CAISO Queue Report: "Active" "Complete" and "Withdrawn" and two statuses Interconnection Agreement Status column. The CAISO's report does not indicate if an LGIA has been suspended.
This information is crucial to understanding the state of the queue, and CAISO's PTOS and other ISOs provide this information in their queues.
Transmission Planning Data
Data point
Format and Implementation
1. Transmission Planning data improvement opportunities:
Transmission upgrades are called by many different names over various reports. EDF-R requests CAISO apply unique identifiers to transmission planning process (TPP) upgrades approved by the Board as well as transmission that is identified as needed in the Generator Interconnection Deliverability Allocation Process (GIDAP). The format for this identifier could be consistent with projects as they appear in the RIMS TRANS module:
Creating this primary key for transmission upgrades (similar to queue position or resource_IDs) will allow for stakeholders to better understand the progression and status of network upgrades, and will enable developers take a proactive approach to monitoring the transmission projects critical to their projects, and will facilitate their ability to provide good feedback at the CAISO’s Transmission Forum.
EDF-R hopes the CAISO will make many of the transmission data improvement changes requested by stakeholders, but views this item as foundational and as having the highest return on investment to stakeholders and the CAISO.
Very High
a. Share study report data available across multiple reports in an excel document (posted on NDA site)
b. Create a transmission project tracking report with information from TPP appendices and RIMS Transmission module
EDF-R requests the CAISO produce this report from RIMS, and have it be a complete set of identified transmission upgrades from inception (either TPP or GIDAP) through completion. This would require the CAISO and PTOs to reconcile what PTOs are submitting into RIMS TRANS module to avoid duplicates.
As with interconnection requests, CAISO could apply its unique label to these proposed transmission upgrades to facilitate transparency and tracking from the bid to build process.
c. Ideally transmission data would include, element upgrade name, description, region, expected in service date, From_Sub, To_Sub, model identifier, voltage, project status, line miles, and facility rating MVA
In line with item b above.
d. Implement online maps for the transmission system that details where capacity is available, similar to existing distribution information;
2. Define what MW level could move forward without upgrades;
Please provide this as information in each area study report.
This information will give developers more information on the viability of the interconnection area and of the queue cluster’s marketability.
3. Information on resource curtailments by specific planning sub-areas;
EDF-R is also interested in better understanding the relationship between the system location of one or more RAS implementation as it compares to curtailment. The CAISO provides a daily look at renewable curtailment here: California ISO - Managing Oversupply ( but the information is not at the appropriate granularity for correlating it to specific areas. EDF-R requests the CAISO provide some more data related to the congestion and curtailment for RAS zones, including specific areas where RAS schemes increase congestion and curtailment, how many MWh are curtailed annually, and what the cost to the system is.
4. Project transmission upgrade tracking/status information; - Transmission Forums
As described in item one, EDF-R requests CAISO apply unique transmission ID numbers to facilitate tracking.
5. Data on constraints, TPD allocation remaining and areas; percentage of PCDS; project in service dates; and % of projects that reach completion.
EDF-R requests this information be added to the Public Queue Report in a new column, and included on the new proposed “phase report” to be reported at the resource_ID level
6. Define the study area boundary in the area reports.
Similar to the Transmission Planning Study Area and Sub Area in the Generator Interconnection section above.
7. Transmission grid data transparency including transfer capability, deliverability constraints, curtailment based on local congestion.
8. Better differentiation within clusters – specifically define the amount of overload that requires the upgrade to be added to the project. This information should be available in all PTO reports.
9. Information provided about areas where TP Deliverability is still available, and how much. The annual TPD Allocation Reports contain useful information about areas where deliverability has run out but relatively little information about where, and much, deliverability remains.
This information would be helpful, as well as specific content for what projects makeup the deliverability held in reserve for non-operational generation
10. ADNUs/other upgrades: This TPP cycle has included a useful discussion about use of the ISO’s Transmission Capability report to identify potential cost-effective transmission upgrades to provide additional TP Deliverability in areas of high commercial interest. LSA/SEIA would like the ISO to refine this information to make it useful in identifying “low-regrets” transmission upgrades, for policy purposes.