Provide your organization’s comments on the proposed topics of stakeholder recommendations for policy development provided in the discussion paper:
On PS1, APS is supportive of expanding pre-DA runs to inform gas procurement decisions of market participants. APS would support further development in this area in regard to a “sanity check” or ability to limit inaccurate or nefarious data skewing the results. We believe this is a delicate balance to get bid quality that results in a run with value for this purpose, while managing any sort of ability to impact the output of the run by any single participant.
On PS4, APS supports the ability to increase the reasonableness threshold as a way to represent the varying prices that participants could procure at around the index price. The index is a weighted average of all transactions so there will naturally be volatility in the transaction price range which is what should be measured to establish the reasonable thresholds.
On PS5, APS believes that the CAISO and stakeholders should evaluate and implement the ability to have the market optimization model having the capability to dispatch units at one price for a finite amount of fuel and then transition to a different price for an additional finite amount of fuel, because fuel is procured at different price point. This could be an improvement for all hours of dispatch, but APS also agrees that the power markets should reflect the fuel price relevant throughout the full gas day (HE 1-7) and not only the calendar day.
On PS6, having the market optimization model factor in gas pipeline limitations is an important element for solving this problem and ensuring grid reliability. Developing the capability to limit specific resources or a portfolio of resources based upon a finite amount of fuel or capability would be extremely useful for gas, hydro and storage resource optimization. Used correctly it could help solve the price cap problem where resources are dispatched early in the day and not held for use across the peak hours. This solution would be ideal because it would also allow us to reflect true costs of the resource where we can inform the market that a certain unit or group of units (from the same pipeline) will incur penalties and allow us to bid the unit with the penalty cost added on would be helpful, and this could be coupled with the ability to dispatch units at one price for a finite amount of fuel and the increased price to add the penalty once it is applicable based on fuel usage. For burn limitations it will be necessary to allow for increases in real-time if feasible, because intra-day delivered gas can be procured.
On PS7B, APS finds this a high value recommended solution and hopefully one with little cost or time for development, so would encourage the rightful prioritization of this recommendation to improve the current Reference Level Change Request process.
On PS8A, APS would propose moving the time to the latest possible time feasible rather than a pre-selected time of 9AM, but would support if 9AM is the latest feasible time.
On PS9B, APS is supportive of allowing more flexibility in fuel regions assigned to resources and in particular like the first stakeholder recommendation here on taking the higher of the eligible fuel regions for a resource where a blending could result in the same problem of utilizing a single region where the blend doesn’t reflect actual costs if the participant procured from the higher priced region. APS requests evaluation of the ability to modify fuel regions references for resources intra-day, this could also work to support PS6 where one could switch to a fuel region that includes certain gas burn limitation issued and the associated price impact.