Comments on 8/20 SH Call

Inter-SC trades in regional markets

Comment period
Aug 20, 04:00 pm - Sep 03, 12:00 pm
Submitting organizations
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Balancing Authority of Northern California
Submitted 08/30/2024, 05:49 pm

Submitted on behalf of
Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC)


Tony Braun (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

The Balancing Authority of Northern California (BANC) strong supports this initiative and the Straw Proposal.  This functionality, inherent in the market design for the the CAISO footprint, is very important to allow BANC to move forward on its anticipated Extended Day Ahead Market  particpation by Spring 2027.  Timing of Board approval of this initiative is critical.  We provide further details below.  

2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

This initiative is clearly Joint Authority.

3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.

BANC is a joint powers authority under California law and is made up of several public power entities in Northern California, namely the Cities of Redding, Roseville and Shasta Lake, the Modesto Irrigation District, the Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and Trinity County Public Utilities District.  The Western Area Power Administration, Sierra Nevada Region (WAPA-SNR), operates its transmission facilities within the BANC Balancing Authority Area, in order to deliver Central Valley Project hydroelectric energy to BANC members and to customers in the CAISO footprint.  BANC has received approval from its Commission to take necessary steps to become an EDAM Entity, building on our participation in the Western Energy Imbalance Market.  WAPA-SNR is currently undertaking a public process toward a recommendation on EDAM participation later this year.

WAPA has indicated to BANC that a CAISO Inter-SC Trade function is required in order to effectuate EDAM participation and comply with certain federal payment and transfer restrictions.  BANC therefore urges the CAISO to adopt the Straw Proposal and to do so at the earliest possible time.  Specifically, timely adoption of the proposal at the September Board meeting is critial to WAPA-SNR being able to make a determination on EDAM that will support a BANC Spring 2027 Go-Live date.

We appreciate your consideration of this important matter.

California ISO - Department of Market Monitoring
Submitted 08/30/2024, 08:15 am


Aprille Girardot (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

Please see the attached Comments from the Department of Market Monitoring.

2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

Please see the attached Comments from the Department of Market Monitoring.

3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.

Please see the attached Comments from the Department of Market Monitoring.

Direct Energy
Submitted 08/29/2024, 04:49 pm

Submitted on behalf of
Direct Energy


Cem Turhal (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

Direct Energy supports the CAISO proposal to extend inter-scheduling Coordinator trade functionality for energy trades to WEIM and EDAM balancing authority areas. In extending the Inter-SC trades to WEIM and EDAM balancing authority areas, Direct Energy proposes that the CAISO allow third parties to procure physical energy through the WEIM and EDAM by scheduling demand bids with the CAISO. This incremental change would increase market participation in the Day-Ahead Market and Real-Time Markets. 

2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.


3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.


Submitted 08/28/2024, 08:37 am


Jason Burwen (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

GridStor supports CAISO's proposal to implement Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets. In particular, we commend CAISO's commitment as described during the 8/20 stakeholder call to allow Non-Generating Resources (NGRs) to participate in Inter-SC trade and offer Physical Energy Product.

In consideration of timeline for full EDAM implementation of Inter-SC Trades for Energy, we encourage CAISO to make an interim update to the Inter-SC Trades interface sooner that allows NGR participation. Doing so can enable validation by market participants in the current CAISO market before full EDAM-wide go-live schedule planned for May 2026.

2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

GridStor does not have a comment on this component of CAISO's proposal.

3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.

Pacific Gas & Electric
Submitted 08/30/2024, 02:51 pm


Sam Johnson (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

PG&E appreciates the CAISO’s publication of the straw proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets and the subsequent stakeholder discussion of the proposal. PG&E supports the CAISO’s effort to extend inter-SC trading for energy (only) to the Extended Day-ahead Market (EDAM) and the Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) participants and believes it will provide value for market participants.  Any further extension of the inter-SC trading (e.g., for ancillary services) should wait until the corresponding market function is extended to the entire EDAM and WEIM market and should be approved through a separate initiative. 

2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

PG&E agrees with the CAISO’s decisional classification of the straw proposal. 

3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.

Submitted 08/30/2024, 04:48 pm

Submitted on behalf of
Western Power Trading Forum


Kallie Wells (

1. Please provide a summary of your organization’s feedback in response to the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

WPTF appreciates the opportunity to comment on CAISO’s Straw Proposal for Inter-SC Trades (IST) in Regional Markets. While the EDAM policy process initially determined that ISTs were not necessary for go-live, we appreciate the CAISO making this improvement to the EDAM design.  We hope this is one of many more EDAM enhancements to come.

WPTF generally supports extending IST functionality for energy to EDAM BAAs under the EDAM design. WPTF understands that ISTs for energy function purely as an optional financial settlement tool and generally fall into two categories in the CAISO’s existing market: (1) Aggregate Pricing Node (APN) ISTs that can help facilitate contracts for energy at the APN where trading liquidity is highest and optionally acquire Congestion Revenue Rights (CRR) to hedge congestion risk between the APN and their generator or load; and (2) Physical Asset ISTs can help facilitate contracts for energy at specific generation or load nodes. ISTs for energy represent an alternative to other forms of forward financial transactions and generally reference prices formed at liquid trading hubs in those forward markets. There are valid scenarios where using Inter-SC Trade functionality to settle bilateral forward contracts for energy using CAISO settlements mechanisms may improve market efficiency and reduce transactional friction in EDAM, however, we believe a few aspects of the proposal require further discussion/clarification to ensure those benefits can be realized by all EDAM SCs.

First, WPTF encourages CAISO to ensure that APNs in the non-CAISO EDAM BAAs are created transparently and consistently. One of the primary EDAM use cases discussed during the stakeholder call was hedging congestion cost allocation risk in the non-CAISO EDAM BAAs associated with bilateral energy transactions. Congestion can occur within and between EDAM BAAs in multiple ways with multiple congestion cost allocation outcomes possible: (1) congestion cost allocation within the CAISO BAA will be managed using its CRR market and existing mechanisms; (2) congestion cost allocation between the CAISO BAA and adjacent non-CAISO EDAM BAAs will be managed on a transfer-resource basis according to where the transfer constraint binds; (3) congestion cost allocation between the non-CAISO BAAs will be managed on a transfer-resource basis, splitting rents 50/50; and (4) congestion cost allocation within non-CAISO BAAs will be managed as determined by each EDAM Entity BAA in its Tariff. SCs may, therefore, find value in using Inter-SC Trades to settle bilateral energy contracts within or across BAA boundaries in EDAM, referencing either specific generation or load nodes, or APNs. How the APNs are defined could have implications to the transactional liquidity that may develop at each APN, to the congestion cost reflected at those locations, and ability to hedge congestion risk between the APN and other settlement locations. Thus, transparency and consistent treatment are imperative. Additionally, while providing Inter-SC Trade functionality is useful under the current EDAM congestion management and cost allocation framework, it would be significantly more effective and useful if the CAISO implemented a consistent congestion cost allocation mechanism (e.g., CRR framework) that applied consistently across all BAAs or if (at a minimum) a direct congestion cost allocation framework was developed at the EDAM BAA level that allowed path-specific congestion cost allocation within the non-CAISO EDAM BAAs.

Second, it may be useful to discuss potential implications given how the non-CAISO EDAM BAA tariff efforts are progressing regarding SC functionality, in addition to the congestion cost allocation framework(s) under development for the non-CAISO EDAM BAAs. For example, we understand that there is a proposal for non-CAISO EDAM BAAs to act as an EDAM Entity SC for all load serving entities within their BAA. This in turn means that individual load serving entities within that EDAM BAA will not have their own SC that can opt to use the IST functionality; that decision would have to be made by the EDAM BAA acting as an SC for all load serving entities, significantly under-cutting the utility of the tool.

Lastly, it is essential that this functionality is thoroughly tested before go-live and that BPMs affecting their use either/both at the CAISO BAA or the non-CAISO EDAM BAAs be established far enough in advance of market go-live that all entities can incorporate the functionality into their market participation planning. We request that CAISO test IST functionality not only within CAISO and non-CAISO EDAM BAAs but also between various CAISO and non-CAISO EDAM BAAs, and work to harmonize the practical functionality of the tool across all EDAM BAAs to promote efficient use of the tool.


2. Please provide a summary of your organization’s comments on the decisional classification in section 5.1.2 of the Straw Proposal on Inter-SC Trades in Regional Markets posted on August 2, 2024.

No comment.

3. Please provide any feedback not already captured.
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