Fellda Chen (
PG&E appreciates CAISO for the call on October 24 and the opportunity to submit the following questions.
PG&E appreciates the participation in these discussions and the opportunity to seek clarification. Please do not hesitate to reach out should you have any questions. PG&E welcomes the opportunity to have additional discussions as needed.
Jonah Cabral (
Portland General Electric would like clarification on the timeline for CAISO’s implementation of FERC Order 881 into its reliability and energy imbalance market applications.
Portland General Electric Company (“PGE”) appreciates the opportunity to comment on CASIO’s FERC Order 881 Implementation initiative. FERC Order 881 requires that PGE provide Ambient Adjusted Ratings (“AARs”) to the reliability coordinator CAISO/RC West. PGE submitted proposed revisions to its Open Access Transmission Tariff (“OATT”), Attachment Q in accordance with FERC Order Nos. 881, 881-A?to explain the timelines for calculating and submitting AARs to the RC by the July 12, 2025, Order 881 compliance deadline. PGE plans to provide AAR data to the RC by the compliance deadline as indicated in the OATT Attachment Q filing. PGE would like clarification on how CAISO’s delayed implementation and request for an extension of time will impact the ability for CAISO to receive AARs and meet the July 12, 2025, compliance implementation deadline.
Additionally, PGE would like clarification about at which point during CAISO’s Order 881 implementation will RC West be able to serve as a clearing house for AAR data for transmission providers. PGE would like more details on when transmission providers will be able to download other transmission providers AAR data. Clarification on when transmission providers will have access to this data will assist transmission providers with calculating TTCs. PGE hopes to have access to this data ahead of the Order 881 compliance deadline for testing purposes.
Furthermore, PGE would like to better understand impact to its energy imbalance market operations due to the discrepancy in ratings between market dispatch operating targets that are calculated using seasonal ratings; and the actual real time flow that is using ambient adjusted ratings. PGE is concerned about the potential of accruing congestion offset charges when PGE has to mitigate for market dispatches which exceeds the current ambient adjusted ratings.
Pamela Mills (
SDG&E appreciates the opportunity to provide comments and feedback on the October 24, 2024 FERC Order 881: Managing Transmission Line Ratings – Phase 2 Methodologies Working Group meeting.
SDG&E supports CAISO’s proposal to revise the timeline for implementation of Track 3 - Market Application and Look ahead Applications and to seek approval from FERC to delay implementation in December 2024. We believe that extending the implementation date is useful as it will enable all stakeholders more time to ensure that their systems work properly and are aligned with CAISO’s systems.
Due to an update of SDG&E’s EMS, SDG&E plans to seek FERC approval to extend the implementation date for its systems. SDG&E plans to file the request before the end of 2024.
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