2024 Independent release

Started: Jul 22, 2024

Trang Vo

The release planning process assesses market initiative implementation impacts to determine target timeframes, project milestones and other resource considerations. It is a collaborative process between the ISO and market participants to optimize the costs and benefits of the implementation approach prior to committing resources. 

A majority of the market initiatives start as policy initiatives and can be found on the Policy Initiatives page.  This area is reserved for implementation projects that do not have a corresponding policy intiative page and that are will be released in 2024 as an independent project rather than as part of the Spring or Fall 2024 release.


Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
FERC Order 2222 BRS review


BRS review comments due

FERC Order 2222 Business Requirements Specification - Comment Responses v1
This document provides participants with responses from the California ISO to those comments/questions submitted for FERC Order 2222 under the comment period closing on 8/9/2024 (v1).

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