Comments on Draft Tariff Language

Pseudo-ties of shared resources

Comment period
Sep 15, 03:30 pm - Sep 15, 04:00 pm
Submitting organizations
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California ISO - Department of Market Monitoring
Submitted 09/15/2020, 04:10 pm

1. Please provide summary of your organization’s comments on the revised draft tariff language:

2. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 1 Pseudo-Ties of Generating Units to the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:

Please see comments under item 1.

3. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 2 Pseudo-Ties of Generating Units out of the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:

Please see comments under item 1.

4. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 3 Pseudo-Ties of Shared Resources to the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:

Please see comments under item 1.

5. Provide your organization’s comments on the draft Appendix B.16 - Pseudo-Tie Participating Generator Agreement:

Please see comments under item 1.

6. Provide any additional comments on the draft tariff language. Upload redlined tariff language using "attachments" field below:
7. Please provide your organization’s overall position on the final proposal:

Please see comments under item 1.

Six Cities
Submitted 09/16/2020, 04:03 pm

Submitted on behalf of
Cities of Anaheim, Azusa, Banning, Colton, Pasadena, and Riverside, California


e-mail - -

Cell phone 202-215-8703

1. Please provide summary of your organization’s comments on the revised draft tariff language:
2. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 1 Pseudo-Ties of Generating Units to the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:
3. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 2 Pseudo-Ties of Generating Units out of the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:
4. Provide your organization’s comments on Appendix N, Section 3 Pseudo-Ties of Shared Resources to the California ISO Balancing Authority Area:
5. Provide your organization’s comments on the draft Appendix B.16 - Pseudo-Tie Participating Generator Agreement:
6. Provide any additional comments on the draft tariff language. Upload redlined tariff language using "attachments" field below:

Six Cities have included their suggested revisions in redline form in the attachment.

7. Please provide your organization’s overall position on the final proposal:
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