Please submit your organization's comments on the straw proposal Jan 27 meeting discussion:
Pattern appreciates the effort from CAISO staff on the revised proposal. The option to convert ETC’s to CRR’s based on existing mechanisms (such as PacificCorp and TANC) is a significant design improvement, creating a streamlined process for implementation.
Pattern requests CAISO affirm that the underlying TSP OATTs and the TCA that governs SPTO transmission usage and scheduling of the transmission is retained if either ETC or CRR are selected. Two examples:
Scenario 1: From PC to PV SZN has 711 MW of rights, SZS has 1420 MW of rights. There’s a problem with the North gen tie line; we resell all the AZ service to SZS so that SZS can fully schedule and use 2131 MW. How is SZS recognized as the subscriber for the full amount? And do the CRRs care which subscriber is benefiting from them?
Scenario 2: From PC to PV SZN has 711 MW of rights, SZS has 1420 MW of rights. There’s been several main bearing failures with the turbines SZS purchased and no subscriber has the ability to use 100 MW of firm PC to PV transmission service. TEP has posted 100 MW of ATC from FC to PV, SunZia performs a short-term resale (to a third party) and redirect (PC-PV to FC-PV) of 100 MW of transmission service. Thus, for a period of 1 day, SZS AZ rights become 1320 MW. How does that affect the allocation and implementation of CRR?
In the presentation starting on slide 17, the example contemplates a single subscriber bid, import, and export. Pattern would appreciate if CAISO could also supply an example where there are multiple subscribers with a variance in the day ahead to real time market and how each of those subscribers is protected from the non-subscriber usage fee?
Given that the allocated ETC’s on SunZia transmission are bi-directional rights, can SunZia select either ETC or CRR for either direction (W-E, E-W)? Specifically, can SunZia elect for 500 MW ETC & 2500 MW CRR East to West; then 3000 MW ETC West to East? Additionally, can different elections be made for different segments of transmission? For example, can the elections from Pete Heinrich to Pinal Central be entirely ETC’s and the election for PInal Central to Palo Verde be CRR’s?
Can CAISO please confirm that SunZia (which includes a North and a South resource ID) will be able to register two resource ID's eligible to use the same ETC?
In some of the scenarios, the SPTO entity can reimburse or reallocate fees or revenue to the subscriber base. To calculate the reimbursement or reallocation, Pattern is seeking confirmation that in the settlement process the SPTO entity is provided each of the various subscriber entities schedules and market rates. Also, notice of bilateral SRS as the BPM states the CRR transfer must be registered with ISO five business days prior to the effective date of transfer of revenues. Transfer of revenue implies T+9B initial settlement period, can CAISO confirm this interpretation? In the CRR Secondary Registration System (SRS) there is a binary bilateral system for on/off peak hours. Many other bilateral transmission products on OASIS are based on a hourly profile. Pattern believes the SRS market would see more activity and market benefits if this market functioned on a hourly, not binary, day. A separate effort around CRR enhancements, consideration of this design would be appreciated.