Annual policy initiatives roadmap process - 2024

Started: Oct 31, 2023

Amelia Blanke
Alyssa Krag-Arnold

The annual catalog and roadmap process captures the policy initiatives the ISO will undertake in the following three years. Stakeholders may propose potential discretionary policy initiatives in January and February. Following a stakeholder-led prioritization process in the spring, the ISO will publish the catalog, which is a focused list of potential discretionary policy initiatives. The catalog will help inform the development of the roadmap, published at the end of the year.



Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed


2024 Final Discretionary Policy Initiatives Catalog - Annual Policy Initiatives Roadmap Process

Appendix 1 - Description of Initiatives - Annual Policy Initiatives Roadmap Process

Appendix 2 - 2024 Non Catalog Items - Annual Policy Initiatives Roadmap Process

Web meeting

2024 Draft Discretionary Policy Initiatives Catalog - Annual Policy Initiatives Roadmap Process

2024 Non-Catalog Items - Annual Policy Initiatives Roadmap Process

Presentation - Annual Policy Roadmap Catalog Prioritization Working Group 4 - Jun 12, 2024

Web meeting

Working Group Session 3

Presentation - Annual Policy Roadmap Catalog Prioritization Working Group 3 - May 15, 2024

Middle River Power - Multi-Stage Generating Units within Aggregate Capability Constraints - May 15, 2024

Gridstor-Enable Non-Generating Resources to Participate in Inter-SC Trade - May 15, 2024

Terra-Gen - Hybrid and Co-Located Resource Enhancements - May 15, 2024

PG&E - Demand Response (DR) Settlement Method - May 15, 2024

PG&E - CAISO BAA Reliability and CAISO Day-Ahead Self-Scheduled Exports - May 15, 2024

PG&E - Long Duration Storage and Real-time Ancillary Services (RT AS) Reoptimization Initiative Proposals - May 15, 2024

CalCCA - Joint LSE Maximum Import Capability (MIC) Catalog Submission - May 15, 2024

NCPA - Hydrogen Electrolyzer - Market Participation - May 15, 2024

VistraCorp - Storage Outage Management Improvements - May 15, 2024

CPUC - Hourly Shaping Factor - May 15, 2024

CPUC - Resource Adequacy Availability Incentive Mechanism - May 15, 2024

Web meeting

Working Group Session 2

Presentation - Annual Policy Roadmap Catalog Working Group - May 8, 2024

Presentation - Western EIM Regional Issues Forum Roundtable - May 8, 2024

WPTF - EDAM WEIM Intertie Bidding for Policy Roadmap 2024 - May 8, 2024

Web meeting

Working Group Session 1

Presentation - Annual Policy Roadmap Catalog Priotization Working Group #1 - Apr 22, 2024

Cal Advocates - Competitive Bidding - Apr 22, 2024

DMM - Congestion Revenue Rights - Apr 22, 2024

Joint DR - Modified Proxy Demand Resource - Apr 22, 2024

CLECA - RDRR Minimum On Time and Fixed Cost Dispatch - Apr 22, 2024

CDWR - Counter Flow CRR Allocations - Apr 22, 2024

CDWR - CRR On Peak and Super Peak - Apr 22, 2024

CDWR - Global Derate Factor - Apr 22, 2024

WPTF - CRR Enhancements - Apr 22, 2024

PacifiCorp - Demand Response Request - Apr 22, 2024

VistraCorp- Transmission Planning Enhancements - Apr 22, 2024

WEIM Regional Issues Forum Roundtable

Summary of 2024 Annual Catalog Submissions

Summary of 2024 Annual Catalog Submissions

Web meeting

Presentation - Policy Initiatives Catalog and Roadmap Process 2024 - Jan 30, 2024

Presentation - Western EIM Regional Issues Forum Roundtable - Jan 30, 2024
Overview and Update

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Please visit the Policy Initiatives Roadmap and Catalog process update - Oct. 24, 2023 on the Miscellaneous stakeholder meetings webpage for meeting materials and comment.