Local capacity requirements process - 2026

Started: Oct 03, 2024

Catalin Micsa

The ISO performs annual studies to identify the minimum local resource capacity required in each local area to meet established reliability criteria. As part of this study process, the ISO obtains input from stakeholders on the criteria, methodology and assumptions used as inputs into the studies, and feedback on the study results. Based on the study results, load serving entities receive a proportional allocation of the minimum required local resource capacity by transmission access charge area, and submit resource adequacy plans to show that they have procured the necessary capacity.


Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
Oct 15, 2024 Draft study manual posted
Oct 31, 2024 Meeting
Nov 14, 2024 Comments due
Nov 28, 2024* ISO responses posting
Jan 15, 2025* Base case posting
Jan 29, 2025* Comments due on base cases
Feb 24, 2025* Draft study completed
Mar 6, 2025* Meeting
Mar 20, 2025* Comments Due
Apr 1, 2025* Draft Final report posting
Apr 10, 2025* Meeting
Apr 17, 2025* Comments due
Apr 30, 2025* Final report posting


Web meeting

Presentation - 2026 Local Capacity Technical Study Criteria Methodology and Assumptions - Oct 31, 2024

Study manual

Draft Study Manual - 2026 Local Capacity Requirements