Resource adequacy modeling and program design

Started: Aug 07, 2023

Anja Gilbert

The Resource Adequacy Working Group will explore reforms needed to the ISO’s resource adequacy rules, requirements, and processes to ensure the future reliability and operability of the grid. The working group structure aims to give stakeholders a more active role in forming problem statements, identifying potential areas for analysis and supporting data, and scoping necessary market rule changes. Working group discussions will help inform the scope of a formal stakeholder initiative.


Proposal Development Decision Implementation Completed/Closed
Jul 26, 2024 Revised discussion paper & final recommendation plan posting
Aug 12, 2024 Comments due*


Revised Discussion Paper and Final Recommendation Plan - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Jul 26, 2024

Submit comments Due: Aug 12, 05:00 pm

Hybrid Meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - Jun 18, 2024

Revised Discussion Paper and Draft Recommendation Plan - Jun 14, 2024

Presentation - WPTF - The Role of CAISO LOLE Modeling in Reliability Planning - Jun 18, 2024

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Hybrid meeting

Day 2 of 2-day working group meeting. Materials are available under the 4/29 meeting activity.

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Hybrid Meeting

Day 1 of 2-day working group meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - Apr 29-30, 2024

CESA Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - Apr 29, 2024

Discussion Paper - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - Apr 29, 2024

Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - April 23, 2024

LSE Survey Template - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design
Updated version posted on 4/29/24.

FAQ - LSE Survey - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design

Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Mar 13, 2024

MRP Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - Mar 13, 2024

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Web meeting

Market Surveillance Committee meeting

Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Feb 13, 2024

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Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Jan 16, 2024

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Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design - CPUC's Slice of Day - Jan 11, 2024

White Paper - Resource Adequacy Processes - CPUC's Slice of Day - Jan 9, 2024

Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Working Group - Dec 6, 2023

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Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Nov 8, 2023

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Web meeting

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Modeling and Program Design Working Group - Nov 1, 2023

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Web meeting

Discussion Paper - Resource Adequacy Working Group - Oct 5, 2023

Presentation - Resource Adequacy Working Group - Oct 5, 2023

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